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Not only can we all reduce our climate impact and improve our health by eating locally-grown vegetables instead of junk food, but also regenerative farming practices are our best hope to sequester large amounts of carbon quickly.

Plant-rich diet

Eating a diet rich in locally-grown organic vegetables is healthier and reduces the carbon emissions of your food. If you don't follow a vegan lifestyle, consider a Mediterranean diet, which has been shown to be nearly as carbon-friendly as an entirely plant-based diet. The Mediterranean diet is a flexitarian diet, largely plant-based, with about 3 servings of fish and 2 of poultry each week.The data on the health benefits of a Mediterranean diet is robust, showing reduced incidence of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, obesity, and dementia. 


Regenerative Farming

Regenerative farming methods have been shown to increase the carbon stored in the soil, if the land would not otherwise be used for a more carbon negative use like forest or wetlands. Better yet, transition to chicken or pork, which both have lower carbon emissions than beef.

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Organic gardening is a healthy hobby and you'll love the taste of the fresh vegetables and fruit you can grow! Even if all you have room for is a container garden of lettuces or herbs, it is worth it.


Let worms eat your vegetable scraps

Food waste is a significant contributor to carbon emissions in the US. Vermicomposting is a great option for folks who don't have the space or climate for an outdoor compost pile.

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Climate Action Maps is headquartered in Gold Hill, CO.

Climate Action Map trainings are offered in person at workshops and Climate Action Map Parties, and online.

© 2019 by Cat Russell, PhD.

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