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Woodland Path
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Woodland Path

Browse actions you can take to power your home with renewable energy, electrify your heat and cooking, and more.

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Browse options including buying an EV, working from home, biking, and riding public transportation. Your best solution depends on your household's needs and where you live!

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Don't let your bank undermine your activism by funding fossil fuel projects! Here are some ideas for choosing climate-friendly banking and investment options.

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Activism includes supporting existing climate organizations like the Climate Reality Project and Project Drawdown. AND we all have skills that we can use in a professional or volunteer capacity to help transition our economy ASAP. There is so much work to be done!


Browse options for reducing household waste, from food to clothing and personal care products.

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We have a huge opportunity to sequester carbon and restore ecosystems by replacing our lawns with native landscaping.

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Not only can we all reduce our climate impact and improve our health by eating locally-grown vegetables instead of junk food, but also regenerative farming practices are our best hope to sequester large amounts of carbon quickly.

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